Saturday, 22 August 2015


There are many supermarkets in the UK and I have been in most round where I live but ASDA have disgusting workers they are so disrespectful and they look at you like you are strange or weird when you walk past them a little bit different to the other person.

I was in a little one in Morecambe the other day and I was not having the greatest day so I was a little shaky, I was with Hol and she always tries to calm me and hold my hand, the minute I walked in I spotted she was staring at us but we carried on to get some bits.

She was on the self service bit just standing around doing nothing! (apart from staring) I was starting to feel so uncomfortable and I was starting to shake and spasm more and more as you do when you feel under pressure, Hol my partner was getting angry aswel as she spotted her looking aswel and she wanted to say something to her but she didn't as she just wanted to get me out of there.

The biggest thing that annoys me if that I was in a shirt and suit pants so I was smartly dressed and there was people in that shop who smelt or dressed scruffy and she was fixed on staring at me as I walked a little funny, it's shocking how a 40 odd year old is so disrespectful and makes people feel so upset and uncomfortable.

The other supermarkets I go to don't stare or judge me but ASDA always has one or two members of staff who are really ignorant and treat you like shit! they really do need to be taught how to treat members of the public.

Every single person in this world has a flaw or something they don't like about themselves or feel a little anxious about themselves and nobody should judge people in this society and I feel so strong that people should be treated all the same.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog it might not be the best of writing but I just like writing my feelings and thoughts and thank you so much for taking time to read it.

Message me on twitter if you have had a moment in a shop @myroylelife

Monday, 17 August 2015


Its going to be my partners birthday tomorrow, this is the third birthday we have spent together and we are stronger than ever, we have been threw so much throughout the last 3 years with my condition.

It has been a hard first 8 months of this year with battling with this horrible condition, We have not been out too much to places this year apart from the odd drive out but we don't ever go out to big shops really, Hol though does not mind as long as we call at a pets at home on our journey somewhere to buy something for out Guinea pigs that is the only shop she ever wants to go to and we always want all the animals they have on sale.

For her birthday we are going away for a couple of nights to Wales tomorrow which we are both looking forward to as it gives us time away and time to relax and we love going to new places and driving new roads.

This is only a little blog to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOL and I love you and thank you so much for sticking by me threw all these hard times and I will always love you and I promise I will work hard to try and get better and get threw these hard times.

You will have an amazing birthday as you are an amazing person and your the best ever!!!
Love you forever and always.

Follow me on twitter I love reading your messages @myroylelife

Thursday, 6 August 2015


Well I must say this week has been shit!

I have been in so much pain all week and everything I seem to do its ending in a disaster, the week did not start well as you will know from my previous blog about my appointment at Salford on Monday with my so called doctor which I am beginning to question as I think he is out of he depth with my Boston system as I am the only one who has it there, He has not even checked the setting in over 8 months or tweaked it and I am in so much pain, he just does not give a shit and I am getting so frustrated with the whole NHS system!

Tuesday didn't go well when I fell down the stairs at home my knee is swollen now and is in a lot of pain so obviously not helping my walking as I have pain now every time I walk.

I must admit I am really down this week as nothing is going my way at all as on Wednesday I bust my skin again on my left leg as I fell over once again so I have a big cut going across my shin now which once again is causing me so much pain.

I am struggling to get comfy in bed at night no matter how a lie or sit up my back is in massive spasm's all the time my right side is really bent over and that is causing my back to hurt more than what it usually does.

This week I just want it to end as I am so down in the dumps I just don't know where to turn next it's just becoming unbearable the pain but what can I do Salford do not want to help me so I really don't know how I am going to get back to life which is bearable.

Thank you all for reading my blog and tweeting my @myroylelife


Monday, 3 August 2015



Another blog about the useless NHS you should be getting used to me talking about them by now but I just have so many set backs in my life it just seems it will never end.

No one helps with the 140 mile trip which i have to do but I don't mind I would drive fly anything to get some help for my condition.

My experience today was a shit one people! I got there early like I always do! and I sat there in the uncomfy chairs they provide for around 10 minutes then he came out stared at me and went back into his room. This obvsily didn't please me as I was uncomfy sitting there and there was around 20 people waiting in the waiting room and my Anxiety was so bad and I was shaking.

He came out after another 10 minutes and shouted another persons name, I responded by saying what about me and he said "Oh I didn't know you was here" I had to wait another 30 minutes before I got into see him.

The thing what frustrates me more than anything is that nothing ever happens when I go and see them.
I have been ringing and ringing since November 2014 to complain about my head pain and spasms which are getting worse and worse.

I have had a meeting with my surgeon and he did not say anything really apart from budgets are very slim as I have had so many operations which I think takes the piss!

I am in so much pain at the moment with my head and my back and that is not helping my anxiety as I am on edge as I am crippled over in pain most of the time.

Even when i'm in the house i'm struggling and that is where i am the most comfiest and even that at times is so painful to get around, its just shit at the moment and it makes it worse when the NHS does not give too shits about your health and care as your just a name to them which is wrong you should get treated with respect and with dignity.

The man who I see is the most disrespectful man I have ever come across he is always on his Iphone or scribbling down bullshit on paper and just does not want me to be in there and it just seems that he wants me to go as soon as possible. I came out today so upset as once again nothing was done or my worries were not even noted I am so dissapointed with how I am getting treated and I know I can't just nip to another hospital as there is only a couple what does DBS